Birthday cake sayings for 18

1. "Legal and fabulous at 18!"

2. "Cheers to 18 years!"

3. "Finally legal, let's celebrate!"

4. "Eighteen and loving life!"

5. "Turning 18 in style!"

6. "Welcome to adulthood, happy 18th!"

7. "A milestone at 18!"

8. "Wishing you an amazing 18th birthday!"

9. "You're officially an adult at 18!"

10. "Here's to a sweet 18th birthday!"

Above is Birthday cake sayings for 18.

Hoedown sayings

1. Git along, little dogies!2. Happy as a pig in mud.3. Sweatin' like a sinner in church.4. Kick up your heels and holler!5. Dance like nobody's watchin'.6. Tougher than a two-dollar steak.7. Wild as a bucking bronco.8. Saddle up and ride.9. Ain't no use cryin' over spilled milk.10

Thick thighs sayings

1. Thick thighs save lives.2. Thick thighs, strong vibes.3. Thick thighs, big dreams.4. Thick thighs, don't lie.5. Thick thighs, happy heart.6. Thick thighs, confident stride.7. Thick thighs, endless possibilities.8. Thick thighs, fierce and fabulous.9. Thick thighs, unstoppable for

Emergency room sayings

1. Time is tissue.2. Every second counts.3. Treat first, ask questions later.4. Stay calm, we're here to help.5. Life over limb.6. The only easy day was yesterday.7. In an emergency, every moment matters.8. We see you, we hear you, we're here for you.9. Emergency medicine: where eve

In love quotes and sayings to him

1. You are my sunshine on a cloudy day, my anchor in a stormy sea. I love you more than words can express.2. Every moment with you feels like a dream, and I never want to wake up. You are my forever love.3. You are the missing piece to my puzzle, the love I never knew I needed. I am so grateful

Miranda stevie and tilly's sayings like bear with

1. Miranda: Bear with me, I'm still figuring this out.2. Stevie: Just bear with me, I'm almost there.3. Tilly: Bear with me, I'm working on it.

Famous sopranos sayings

1. To sing is to pray twice. - St. Augustine2. I don't sing because I'm happy; I'm happy because I sing. - William James3. The voice is the only instrument which can give life to words. - Placido Domingo4. Singing is like a celebration of oxygen. - Bjork5. Singing is my passion, my first lo

Badass italian sayings

1. Chi dorme non piglia pesci. - He who sleeps doesn't catch any fish. (Meaning: You won't achieve anything if you're lazy.)2. Meglio solo che male accompagnato. - Better alone than in bad company. (Meaning: It's better to be alone than with people who bring you down.)3. Chi fa da sé, fa pe

Cute justin bieber sayings

1. You're the smile on my face.2. You make me complete.3. I'm lost in your eyes.4. You're my favorite kind of perfect.5. You're the reason for my smile.6. You're my favorite kind of trouble.7. You're my favorite part of the day.8. You're my favorite kind of distraction.9. You're the

Bugsy malone sayings

1. You give a little love and it all comes back to you.2. You give a little love and it all comes back to you, la la la la la la la la la la la.3. So you think you're a wise guy, with the tears in your eyes.4. You're a little touchy, you're a little grumpy, you're a little sad.5. We could h

Famous sayings of shakespeare

1. To be, or not to be: that is the question. - Hamlet2. All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. - As You Like It3. Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. - All's Well That Ends Well4. The course of true love never did run smooth. - A Midsummer Night's Dream5. B