Birthday invitations sayings for a 3 year old

1. "Join us for a roarin' good time as we celebrate [Child's Name]'s 3rd birthday!"

2. "Come bounce, play, and celebrate with us at [Child's Name]'s 3rd birthday party!"

3. "It's time to celebrate with cake, balloons, and fun as [Child's Name] turns 3!"

4. "Hop on over for a hopping good time at [Child's Name]'s 3rd birthday bash!"

5. "Calling all little superheroes to help us celebrate [Child's Name]'s 3rd birthday in style!"

6. "Let's make some magical memories at [Child's Name]'s 3rd birthday party!"

7. "Join us for a paw-some time as we celebrate [Child's Name]'s 3rd birthday with a puppy party!"

8. "Get ready to party with the princess as [Child's Name] turns 3!"

9. "Come dressed in your favorite costume for a fun-filled birthday celebration with [Child's Name]!"

10. "It's time to celebrate with giggles, games, and goodies as [Child's Name] turns 3! Join us for the fun!"

Above is Birthday invitations sayings for a 3 year old.

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