Birthday sayings for little children

1. "Hip, hip, hooray! It's your special day!"

2. "Cake, candles, and lots of fun, it's time to celebrate you, little one!"

3. "Wishing you a day filled with laughter, joy, and lots of birthday toys!"

4. "Another year older, another year bolder! Happy birthday, little one!"

5. "May your birthday be as sweet as the cake and as fun as a birthday party at the lake!"

6. "On your special day, may all your wishes come true in every single way!"

7. "You're growing up so fast, but today you can relax and have a blast!"

8. "Blow out the candles, make a wish, and get ready for a day full of birthday bliss!"

9. "Happy birthday to the coolest kid around, may your day be filled with happiness abound!"

10. "Here's to another year of fun, laughter, and all the adventures under the sun! Happy birthday!"

Above is Birthday sayings for little children.

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