Birthday thank you sayings funny

1. "Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'm officially one year closer to needing a walker."

2. "Another year older, another year wiser... or so they say. Thanks for the birthday love!"

3. "Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'm like a fine wine - getting better with age and giving everyone a headache."

4. "Thank you for the birthday wishes! I may be getting older, but at least I'm not getting any wiser."

5. "Thanks for the birthday love! Another year older, another year of pretending to have my life together."

6. "Thank you for the birthday wishes! I'm embracing my inner child... mainly because my outer adult is falling apart."

7. "Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'm not getting older, I'm just increasing in value... like a vintage cheese."

8. "Thank you for the birthday love! Another year, another excuse to eat cake for breakfast."

9. "Thanks for the birthday wishes! I may be another year older, but at least I'm still young at heart... and slightly immature in mind."

10. "Thank you for the birthday love! Age is just a number, but cake is a delicious reality."

Above is Birthday thank you sayings funny.

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