Black and white photography sayings and quotes

1. "In black and white, you suggest; in color, you state." - Paul Outerbridge

2. "Black and white creates a strange dreamscape that color never can." - Jack Antonoff

3. "When you photograph people in color, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in black and white, you photograph their souls!" - Ted Grant

4. "Black and white is abstract; color is not. Looking at a black and white photograph, you are already looking at a strange world." - Joel Sternfeld

5. "Black and white are the colors of photography. To me, they symbolize the alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is forever subjected." - Robert Frank

6. "Black and white are the colors of photography. They symbolize the alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is forever subjected." - Robert Frank

7. "Black and white are the colors of photography. To me, they symbolize the alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is forever subjected." - Robert Frank

8. "Color is descriptive. Black and white is interpretive." - Elliott Erwitt

9. "Black and white is mix of toughest simplicity and easiest complexity." - Vikrmn

10. "There's something strange and powerful about black-and-white imagery." - Stefan Kanfer

Above is Black and white photography sayings and quotes.

Examples of sayings

1. A penny saved is a penny earned.2. Actions speak louder than words.3. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.4. The early bird catches the worm.5. All good things must come to an end.6. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.7. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.8. Bette

Minnesota quotes sayings

1. Minnesota nice is the genuine kindness and warmth that Minnesotans show to everyone they meet.2. In Minnesota, we don't hide from winter, we embrace it.3. Land of 10,000 lakes, endless possibilities.4. Minnesota: where the lakes are plentiful and the people are friendly.5. You can take t

Sayings that came from the bible

1. Love your neighbor as yourself. - Mark 12:312. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. - Matthew 7:123. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. - Psalm 23:14. For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. - Ecclesiastes 3:15. I can do all thing

Real estate sayings

1. Location, location, location.2. Buy land, they're not making it anymore. - Mark Twain3. Don't wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and wait.4. The best investment on earth is earth. - Louis Glickman5. Owning a home is a keystone of wealth - both financial affluence and emotional secu

Eddie murphy buckwheat sayings

Buckwheat was a character portrayed by Eddie Murphy on the television show Saturday Night Live. Some of the famous sayings associated with Buckwheat include:1. O-tay!2. I feel good!3. Wookin pa nub in all da wong paces.4. Weezer!5. Otay, weady or not, here I come!

Cool rave sayings

1. PLUR - Peace, Love, Unity, Respect2. Dance like nobody's watching3. Let the music guide you4. We are all connected on the dance floor5. Rave to the rhythm of your soul6. Good vibes only7. Embrace the energy of the music8. Dance until the sun comes up9. In the music we trust10.

Sayings about success and hard work

1. Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire. - Arnold H. Glasow2. The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. - Vidal Sassoon3. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. - Robert Collier4. Hard work bea

Kerala sayings in english

1. A coconut tree may sway, but its roots stand firm. - Meaning that one may face challenges, but should stay grounded and resilient.2. Even the elephant can slip on a banana peel. - Reminding that everyone is susceptible to making mistakes.3. The river that flows silently, cuts the deepest. -

Safe journey sayings

1. May your journey be safe and smooth.2. Wishing you a safe and pleasant journey ahead.3. Travel safely and enjoy the adventure.4. May you reach your destination safely and with joy.5. Safe travels and may you return home with wonderful memories.6. Sending you positive vibes for a safe j

Sayings with their meanings

1. A penny saved is a penny earned - This means that saving money is just as valuable as earning money through work or other means.2. Actions speak louder than words - This means that what a person does is more important than what they say they will do.3. Don't count your chickens before they h