Black lightning sayings

1. "Justice doesn't always have to be black or white. Sometimes it's lightning."

2. "The storm is coming, and I am the lightning."

3. "In the darkness, I am the light that strikes fear into the hearts of criminals."

4. "I may be a storm, but I bring clarity and justice with my lightning."

5. "Evil may think it can hide in the shadows, but my lightning will always find it."

6. "I am the thunder that follows the lightning, warning all who dare to cross me."

7. "My power is not just in my lightning, but in the justice I bring with it."

8. "When the world is in chaos, I am the lightning that brings order."

9. "My lightning strikes with precision, ensuring that justice is served."

10. "I am the black lightning that illuminates the darkness, revealing the truth."

Above is Black lightning sayings.

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