Blood gang bloods sayings quotes

Here are some common sayings and quotes associated with the Bloods gang:

1. "B-Dogs don't die, they multiply."

2. "It's blood in, blood out."

3. "Live by the code, die by the code."

4. "We ride together, we die together, Bad Boys for life."

5. "Blood makes you related, loyalty makes you family."

6. "Respect the red, fear the red."

7. "Blood in, blood out, loyalty above all."

8. "Blood is thicker than water, but loyalty is thicker than blood."

9. "United we stand, divided we fall."

10. "In blood we trust, in loyalty we thrive."

Above is Blood gang bloods sayings quotes.

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It's darker than sayings

That's an interesting observation. It seems like you're referring to something deeper or more serious than just simple sayings or expressions. If you'd like to share more about what you mean, I'm here to listen and discuss further.

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