Blues music funny sayings

1. "Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel." - Jimi Hendrix

2. "Blues is a feeling, not just a music genre." - B.B. King

3. "If you have to ask what jazz is, you'll never know." - Louis Armstrong

4. "The blues is the roots, the rest is the fruits." - Willie Dixon

5. "Blues is a tonic for whatever ails you. I could play the blues and then not be blue anymore." - B.B. King

6. "Blues is not about feeling better, it's about making other people feel worse." - Homer Simpson

7. "Blues is easy to play, but hard to put down." - Stevie Ray Vaughan

8. "The blues ain't nothing but a good man feeling bad." - Leon Redbone

9. "Blues is the truth, everything else is just a lie." - Willie Dixon

10. "Blues is like a tonic, it makes you feel better." - Etta James

Above is Blues music funny sayings.

R隃穡n romn sayings

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Cute sayings in marathi

1. जीवनातलं सुंदरता आणि खुशी ह्यातलं गोंधळ नाही, तर तुझं हृदय आणि मन आहे.2. जीवनात खुप लोक येतात आणि जातात, पण खास तु असतोस ज्याच्या विचारांमध्ये तू असतोस.3. जीवनातलं सर्वात मोठं आनंद तो आहे की तुझ्यातलं आनंद कोणताही गोड आहे.4. तुझ्या चेहर्यावर हँसत चेहरा आणि तुझ्या दिलात आनंद असो.5. जीवनात