Bone cancer sayings and quotes

1. "Cancer may have started the fight, but I will finish it."

2. "Cancer is just a chapter in my life, not the whole story."

3. "I am stronger than cancer, and I will overcome this battle."

4. "Cancer may have taken my bone, but it will never take my spirit."

5. "In the face of bone cancer, I choose courage over fear."

6. "Cancer is a word, not a sentence. I will fight and I will win."

7. "Even in the darkest moments, I will find the strength to keep fighting."

8. "Cancer is tough, but I am tougher."

9. "I may have bone cancer, but I refuse to let it define me."

10. "Every day is a battle, but I am determined to win the war against cancer."

Above is Bone cancer sayings and quotes.

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