Bonnie henry sayings

Here are some popular sayings attributed to Dr. Bonnie Henry, the Provincial Health Officer for British Columbia, Canada:

1. "Be kind, be calm, be safe."

2. "This is our time to be kind, to be calm, and to be safe."

3. "We are all in this together."

4. "Do not make it personal, make it about the situation."

5. "We need to be patient and kind with each other."

6. "We need to be calm and measured in our responses."

7. "We need to be kind to each other, to be calm and to be safe."

8. "We need to be kind, we need to be calm, and we need to be safe."

9. "We need to be kind, we need to be calm, and we need to be safe with each other."

10. "We need to be kind, we need to be calm, and we need to be safe with each other and with ourselves."

Above is Bonnie henry sayings.

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Anger management quotes sayings

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