Boomerang quotes and sayings

1. "What you send out, comes back."

2. "Life is a boomerang. What you give, you get."

3. "Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country." - Anais Nin

4. "The boomerang of kindness always comes back to you."

5. "Your actions are like boomerangs, they always come back to you."

6. "Life is a boomerang. What you give, you get."

7. "The energy you put out into the world will always come back to you."

8. "Be careful with your words, they can be like boomerangs - once thrown, they can come back to you."

9. "The boomerang of negativity will always come back to its sender."

10. "Just like a boomerang, your actions will always come back to you."

Above is Boomerang quotes and sayings.

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Baseball announcer sayings

1. He swings and misses, strike one!2. And that's a home run, folks! Touch 'em all!3. What a play by the shortstop, he's a defensive wizard!4. The pitcher is dealing tonight, striking out batters left and right!5. And the crowd goes wild as the outfielder makes a diving catch!6. It's a cl