Boomerang sayings

1. "What goes around, comes around."

2. "You reap what you sow."

3. "Karma has no deadline."

4. "The universe has a way of bringing things back around."

5. "You can't escape the consequences of your actions."

6. "The past always catches up with you."

7. "Actions speak louder than words."

8. "You can't outrun your own shadow."

9. "Life has a way of balancing itself out."

10. "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction."

Above is Boomerang sayings.

Sayings of imam ali about friendship

1. A friend cannot be considered a friend until he is tested in three occasions: in time of need, behind your back, and after your death.2. A true friend is one who sees a fault, gives you advice, and defends you in your absence.3. The best friend is the one who is always there for you, whether

Funny capricorn sayings

1. I'm not stubborn, I just know what I want.2. I may be a goat, but I'm not kidding around.3. I'm not bossy, I just have better ideas.4. I'm not always serious, but when I am, it's because I'm a Capricorn.5. I may be practical, but I still believe in magic.6. I'm not cold-hearted, I just

Sayings about foundations

1. A strong foundation is essential for a lasting structure.2. Build your life on a solid foundation of values and principles.3. The strength of a building lies in its foundation.4. A good foundation is the key to success in any endeavor.5. Foundations are the bedrock upon which we build ou

You have a heart of gold sayings

1. You have a heart of gold.2. Your kindness shines like gold.3. Your heart is pure and golden.4. You are as precious as gold.5. Your generosity is worth more than gold.6. Your compassion is a treasure of gold.7. Your heart is a golden beacon of light.8. Your actions are worth their w

Button 100 day shirt sayings

1. 100 Days Smarter!2. 100 Days of Learning and Growing3. 100 Days Stronger!4. 100 Days of Awesomeness5. 100 Days of Success6. 100 Days of Fun and Learning7. 100 Days and Counting!8. 100 Days of Making Memories9. 100 Days of Excellence10. 100 Days of Achieving Goals

Sayings rome wasn't built in a day

Rome wasn't built in a day.

Sayings about entertainment

1. Laughter is the best medicine.2. All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. - William Shakespeare3. Life is a party, so enjoy every moment.4. Entertainment is a form of escape from the realities of life.5. Music is the universal language of mankind. - Henry Wadsw

Brother from another mother sayings i love u forever

Brother from another mother, I love you forever.

Sayings that say i love you

1. I love you more than words can express.2. You have my heart, always and forever.3. You are my everything.4. I love you to the moon and back.5. You are the love of my life.6. My love for you knows no bounds.7. You complete me.8. I am yours, now and forever.9. You are the best thin

How not to act sayings

1. Don't burn bridges you may have to cross later.2. Don't speak when you are angry, you will make the best speech you will ever regret.3. Don't make promises you can't keep.4. Don't judge others without knowing their full story.5. Don't let your ego get in the way of admitting when you are