Bored as a sayings

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

Above is Bored as a sayings.

Sayings to end the day

1. As the day ends, let gratitude be your attitude.2. Let go of the worries of the day and embrace the peace of the night.3. May the setting sun take with it all your troubles, leaving you with a peaceful night.4. End the day with a grateful heart and a peaceful mind.5. As the day fades awa

Volleyball sayings

1. Bump, set, spike!2. Dig deep!3. Sweat now, shine later.4. It's not just a sport, it's a way of life.5. Play like a champion today.6. Volleyball is life, everything else is just details.7. The only way to win is to never give up.8. Good things come to those who hustle.9. Volleybal

Bunny stickers with sayings

Here are some ideas for bunny stickers with sayings:1. Hoppy Day!2. Somebunny loves you3. Ears to you!4. Bunny kisses5. You're somebunny special6. Hare-raisingly cute7. Bunny hop8. Cottontail cutie9. Hoppin' into your heart10. Bunny love

Sayings for blended families

1. Family is not defined by blood, but by love.2. Blended families are like a beautiful mosaic, each piece unique and important.3. In blended families, love knows no boundaries.4. Together we may be blended, but our love is pure and strong.5. Blending families means creating a new kind of l

Labour party quotes and sayings

1. The Labour Party is a moral crusade or it is nothing. - Harold Wilson2. The Labour Party is a party of working people, founded for working people and dedicated to working people. - Tony Blair3. The Labour Party is a party of principles and values, not just a party of power. - Jeremy Corbyn4

Pac man sayings

1. Waka waka waka!2. Game over, man!3. Inky, Blinky, Pinky, Clyde!4. Chomp chomp chomp!5. Ghosts beware!6. High score!7. Pac-Man fever!8. Gobble gobble!9. Ready, set, go!10. Munch munch munch!

Famous architect sayings

1. Architecture is a visual art, and the buildings speak for themselves. - Julia Morgan2. Form follows function. - Louis Sullivan3. Less is more. - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe4. Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness. - Frank Gehry5. The mother art is archi

March sayings for letter board

1. Marching into spring2. Luck of the Irish3. Spring forward4. March madness5. In like a lion, out like a lamb6. Shamrock season7. Spring is in the air8. Bloom where you are planted9. Marching to the beat of my own drum10. Spring cleaning

Lancashire sayings from 1950s

Here are some Lancashire sayings from the 1950s:1. Eeh by gum - an expression of surprise or astonishment.2. Put wood in t'ole - close the door.3. It's reet champion - it's really good.4. Tha's nesh - you're sensitive to the cold.5. Stop mithering - stop bothering or annoying someone.6. T

18th birthday sayings for daughter

1. Happy 18th birthday to my beautiful daughter! May this milestone year be filled with love, joy, and endless possibilities.2. To my amazing daughter on her 18th birthday: You are a shining light in my life, and I am so proud of the person you have become.3. As you turn 18, remember that the w