Boston sayings funny

Sure, here are some funny Boston sayings:

1. "Wicked pissah!" - Used to describe something as really great or awesome.

2. "Pahk the cah in Hahvahd Yahd" - A humorous way of imitating the Boston accent and referencing the difficulty of finding parking in Boston.

3. "I'm not a regulah person, I'm a Bostonian" - A playful way of emphasizing the unique characteristics of Bostonians.

4. "It's cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey" - A colorful way of describing extremely cold weather.

5. "We're not drunk, we're just Bostonian" - A humorous excuse for any rowdy behavior attributed to being from Boston.

Above is Boston sayings funny.

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1. Life is better in flip flops. 2. Sunshine and smiles. 3. Good times and tan lines. 4. Sandy toes and salty kisses. 5. Let the sea set you free. 6. Summer lovin'. 7. Chasing the sun. 8. Happiness is a day at the beach. 9. Suns out, buns out. 10. Live in the sunshine, swim in the

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