Boy sayings for baby

1. "Little man"

2. "Future heartbreaker"

3. "Mommy's little prince"

4. "Daddy's mini-me"

5. "Tiny tot"

6. "Adorable dude"

7. "Little buddy"

8. "Cutie pie"

9. "Sweet little guy"

10. "Baby boy"

Above is Boy sayings for baby.

Karma sayings and karma quotes wise old sayingswise old sayings

1. Karma is like a boomerang, what you give out will come back to you. 2. The law of karma is simple: if you sow goodness, you will reap goodness; if you sow evil, you will reap evil. 3. Karma has no menu, you get served what you deserve. 4. Your actions create your future, so make sure your

Chiropractic valentine sayings

1. You adjust my heart just right, Valentine!2. You're the alignment to my spine, Valentine!3. You crack me up in all the right ways, Valentine!4. You're the adjustment my heart needs, Valentine!5. You're the perfect adjustment to my life, Valentine!6. You straighten out my day, Valentine

Rpg sayings

1. In the darkest of dungeons, the bravest of heroes shine the brightest.2. Fortune favors the bold, but skill and strategy win the day.3. A true warrior never backs down from a challenge, no matter how daunting.4. In the world of RPGs, every choice you make shapes your destiny.5. Adventure

Modern sayings 2021

1. Stay woke.2. Cancel culture is real.3. It's all about manifesting positivity.4. Normalize setting boundaries.5. That's a vibe.6. Let's manifest that energy.7. Mindset is everything.8. Self-care isn't selfish.9. Stay in your lane.10. It's a vibe check.

Mechanicus sayings

1. The Omnissiah guides our hands and minds.2. Knowledge is power, guard it well.3. The machine spirit must be appeased.4. In the name of the Omnissiah, we shall prevail.5. The flesh is weak, but the machine endures.6. Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.7. The Emperor protects, but

Older brother and younger sister funny sayings

1. I may be the older brother, but my sister is definitely the boss around here!2. Having a younger sister is like having a built-in comedian in the house.3. My sister may be younger, but she's definitely wiser when it comes to getting her way.4. Being the older brother means I have to set a

Struggle bus sayings

1. I'm not driving the struggle bus, I'm just a passenger.2. Life is a journey, and sometimes you end up on the struggle bus.3. Just trying to stay on the struggle bus and not get thrown off.4. All aboard the struggle bus, next stop: perseverance.5. Riding the struggle bus today, but tomorr

Emoji bulletin board sayings

1. 🌟 Dream big, sparkle more, shine bright!2. 🌈 Be a rainbow in someone else's cloud.3. 🌺 Bloom where you are planted.4. 🌞 Let your light shine.5. 🦋 Embrace change and watch yourself transform.6. 🌿 Grow through what you go through.7. 🌸 Spread kindness like confetti.8. 🌼 Find joy in th

Big little shirt sayings

1. Little but fierce2. Big heart, little body3. Small but mighty4. Tiny but tough5. Little package, big personality6. Size doesn't matter7. Small in size, big in spirit8. Pocket-sized powerhouse9. Small wonder10. Little by little, big things happen

Airplane valentines sayings

1. You make my heart soar like an airplane!2. You're the pilot of my heart, steering me towards love.3. Our love is taking off to new heights!4. Flying high with love for you!5. You're my first class Valentine!6. Let's fly away together on the wings of love.7. You're the propeller to my