Braavos sayings

1. "Valar Morghulis" - All men must die

2. "Valar Dohaeris" - All men must serve

3. "The Iron Bank will have its due" - Referring to the power and influence of the Iron Bank of Braavos

4. "A man has no name" - A saying often associated with the Faceless Men of Braavos

5. "The Sealord's palace is made of gold, but the Sealord eats mud pies for supper" - A saying about the wealth and power of the Sealord of Braavos

6. "The Titan of Braavos stands tall and proud, watching over the city" - Referring to the massive statue that guards the entrance to the city

7. "In Braavos, the waters are as dangerous as the streets" - Highlighting the dangers of both the canals and the city itself.

Above is Braavos sayings.

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