Breast cancer cake sayings

1. "Fight like a girl, beat cancer like a boss."

2. "Stronger than cancer, sweeter than cake."

3. "Survivor: beating cancer one slice at a time."

4. "Celebrating life, love, and beating breast cancer."

5. "Pink ribbon, pink frosting, pink strength."

6. "Sweet victory over breast cancer."

7. "In this battle, love and cake are my weapons."

8. "Cancer may have taken my breast, but it can't take my spirit."

9. "Baking away breast cancer, one delicious slice at a time."

10. "Raising awareness, raising hope, raising a fork to beat breast cancer."

Above is Breast cancer cake sayings.

Godfather 3 sayings

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Lord i need you sayings

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Poems and sayings about butterflies

1. Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly. - Unknown2. Butterflies are self-propelled flowers. - Robert A. Heinlein3. Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you