British sayings about drugs

1. "Off your face" - meaning someone is heavily under the influence of drugs.

2. "On a trip" - referring to someone who is high on hallucinogenic drugs.

3. "Off your head" - similar to "off your face," indicating someone is very intoxicated.

4. "On the gear" - slang for being on drugs.

5. "Chasing the dragon" - a slang term for smoking heroin.

6. "Stoned out of your mind" - describing someone who is extremely high on drugs.

7. "Off the wagon" - referring to someone who has relapsed into drug use.

8. "Wasted" - a common term for being heavily intoxicated, often from drugs.

9. "Spaced out" - describing someone who is disconnected from reality due to drugs.

10. "Tweaking" - slang for being under the influence of methamphetamine.

Above is British sayings about drugs.

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