British sayings americans wont get

1. "Bob's your uncle" - This means everything is sorted or completed easily.

2. "Taking the mickey" - Making fun of someone or teasing them.

3. "Having a chinwag" - Having a chat or conversation.

4. "Gutted" - Feeling extremely disappointed or upset.

5. "Chuffed to bits" - Feeling very pleased or proud.

6. "Bee's knees" - Something excellent or outstanding.

7. "Blimey" - An expression of surprise or shock.

8. "Twee" - Overly quaint or cute.

9. "It's all gone pear-shaped" - When something has gone wrong or not as planned.

10. "Brassed off" - Feeling annoyed or fed up.

Above is British sayings americans wont get.

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