Broad yorkshire sayings

1. "Eeh by gum!" - An expression of surprise or disbelief.

2. "Tha's nesh as owt!" - You're feeling the cold.

3. "Now then, lass/lassie!" - A friendly greeting to a girl or young woman.

4. "It's chuffin' hot/cold!" - It's very hot or cold.

5. "Tha's got a face like a wet weekend!" - You look miserable.

6. "I'll go to foot of our stairs!" - Expression of surprise or disbelief.

7. "Tha's talkin' a load of codswallop!" - You're talking nonsense.

8. "Tha's got more brass neck than a trombone!" - You're very cheeky.

9. "I'm fair t' middlin'" - I'm doing okay.

10. "Tha's as daft as a brush!" - You're acting foolishly.

Above is Broad yorkshire sayings.

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