Broadway terms and sayings

1. "Break a leg" - A common phrase used to wish someone good luck before a performance.

2. "Dark night" - A night when a theater is closed and no performance is scheduled.

3. "Showstopper" - A particularly impressive or memorable moment in a performance that brings the audience to a standstill.

4. "Understudy" - A performer who learns and rehearses a role in a production in case the original actor is unable to perform.

5. "Blocking" - The planned movement and positioning of actors on stage as directed by the director.

6. "Off-book" - When actors have memorized their lines and no longer need to use the script during rehearsals.

7. "Stage left" and "stage right" - Directions given from the perspective of the actor facing the audience, with "stage left" referring to the left side of the stage and "stage right" referring to the right side.

8. "The Great White Way" - A nickname for Broadway, derived from the bright lights that illuminate the theaters along the street.

9. "Sitzprobe" - A rehearsal where the singers and orchestra come together for the first time to practice the music.

10. "Theater district" - An area in a city, such as New York City, where many theaters are concentrated, often hosting Broadway shows.

Above is Broadway terms and sayings.

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