Broke harted selfish women sayings

I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. Here are some sayings that may resonate with you:

1. "I gave you my all, but you only took advantage of my kindness."

2. "I thought I could trust you, but you proved me wrong."

3. "I deserve better than to be treated this way."

4. "I'm done putting others before myself. It's time to prioritize my own happiness."

5. "I won't let your selfishness break me. I will rise above and find my own strength."

6. "I may be broken-hearted now, but I will heal and become stronger than ever."

7. "I refuse to be a doormat for your selfishness. I deserve respect and love."

8. "I will not let your actions define my worth. I am valuable and deserving of love."

9. "I will not allow your selfishness to consume me. I will move forward and find happiness on my own terms."

10. "I will not let your selfishness dim my light. I will shine brighter than ever before."

Above is Broke harted selfish women sayings.

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