Broken sayings wallpaper

Here are a few broken sayings that you can use as wallpaper:

1. "A stitch in time saves...wait, where did I put my needle?"

2. "Don't count your chickens before they...actually, never mind, just count them."

3. "All that glitters is not...well, actually, sometimes it is glitter."

4. "A bird in the hand is worth...hey, where did the bird go?"

5. "Actions speak louder, what was I saying again?"

Feel free to choose one that resonates with you and use it as your wallpaper!

Above is Broken sayings wallpaper.

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Apple seed sayings

1. From little seeds grow mighty trees.2. Plant the seeds of kindness and reap a harvest of happiness.3. A seed today is a tree tomorrow.4. Sow good seeds and you will reap a bountiful harvest.5. The smallest seed can grow into the tallest tree.6. Seeds of success are planted in hard work