Bruises and cuts out of nowhere sayings

1. "Looks like I got into a fight with a ghost last night."

2. "I must have bumped into an invisible wall again."

3. "My body is a mystery, bruises and cuts appear out of thin air."

4. "I swear, I'm like a walking accident waiting to happen."

5. "I must have offended a poltergeist, these bruises came out of nowhere."

6. "I didn't realize I was participating in a secret ninja training program."

7. "My body is a canvas for mysterious artwork, courtesy of unknown forces."

8. "I must have been sleepwalking through a construction site."

9. "I think I have a secret admirer who likes to leave me mysterious marks."

10. "I must have angered the furniture again, these bruises are their revenge."

Above is Bruises and cuts out of nowhere sayings.

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