Bubbles trailer park boys sayings

Here are some iconic sayings from the characters in the TV show "Trailer Park Boys":

1. "Decent!" - Ricky

2. "I am the liquor." - Jim Lahey

3. "Two birds stoned at once." - Ricky

4. "What in the f***?!" - Bubbles

5. "Stay cool, stay in school." - Bubbles

6. "The way she goes, boys." - Ray

7. "I'm mowin' the air, Rand." - Ricky

8. "It's water under the fridge." - Ricky

9. "Frisky Dingo!" - Bubbles

10. "I'm not the kind of person to say 'I told you so.' But you know what? I told you so." - Julian

These are just a few of the many memorable quotes from the characters in "Trailer Park Boys."

Above is Bubbles trailer park boys sayings.

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