Buddhist monk sayings monk carrying woman

One famous Buddhist monk saying that relates to the concept of letting go and not holding onto grudges is: "Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."

As for the specific scenario of a monk carrying a woman, there is a well-known Zen story that goes like this:

Two monks, Tanzan and Ekido, were walking down a muddy road when they came across a woman who was unable to cross because of the mud. Tanzan picked her up and carried her across the road, and then the two monks continued on their way in silence. After a few hours, Ekido couldn't contain himself any longer and said, "How could you carry that woman? Monks are not supposed to touch women." Tanzan replied, "I put her down hours ago, but it seems you are still carrying her."

This story illustrates the importance of letting go of attachments and not allowing past actions or events to weigh us down.

Above is Buddhist monk sayings monk carrying woman.

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