Butterfly sayings whisper to a butterfly

"Whisper to a butterfly and it will carry your secret to the heavens."

Above is Butterfly sayings whisper to a butterfly.

Cute short quotes or sayings

1. Love is all you need.2. Be a voice, not an echo.3. Do small things with great love.4. Happiness is homemade.5. Life is short, make it sweet.6. Kindness is always fashionable.7. Dream big, sparkle more, shine bright.8. Live, laugh, love.9. Good vibes only.10. Stay wild, moon chi

Mike trout sayings

Here are some popular sayings attributed to Mike Trout:1. Just go out there and play the game the right way.2. I'm just trying to help the team win in any way I can.3. I always want to be the best player on the field, but I also want to be the best teammate.4. You have to stay humble and keep

Creepy characters in anime sayings japanese

Here are some creepy characters in anime and their sayings in Japanese:1. Ryuk from Death Note: 死神は、人間の命を見るのが好きだ (Shinigami wa, ningen no inochi o miru no ga suki da) - Shinigami love to watch human lives.2. Hisoka from Hunter x Hunter: 楽しいことが大好きだ (Tanoshii koto ga daisuki da) - I love fun th

Short i love you sayings for her

1. You are my sunshine in the darkest days.2. You are the love of my life.3. My heart belongs to you, now and forever.4. You are my everything.5. I am so grateful to have you in my life.6. You make my world a better place.7. I can't imagine my life without you.8. You are the most beau

Dj grinder sayings

1. Keep calm and drop the beat.2. Music is my therapy, the turntables are my medicine.3. In the mix, we trust.4. Let the music speak for itself.5. Spinning tunes and making memories.6. Life is better with a good beat.7. Mixing beats, creating vibes.8. Music is the answer, what's the q

Funny mobster sayings

1. I'm gonna make you an offer you can't understand.2. I'm gonna whack you so hard, you'll think you're in a comedy club.3. I'm gonna give you an offer you can't refuse... because it's too good to be true.4. I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse... unless you're allergic to horses' hea

Food and drink related sayings

1. You are what you eat.2. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.3. Eat, drink, and be merry.4. You can't have your cake and eat it too.5. A watched pot never boils.6. Sip happens.7. The proof is in the pudding.8. Too many cooks spoil the broth.9. In wine there is wisdom,

Famous mexican wedding sayings

1. En la vida todo es ir y venir, menos el amor que es para siempre. (In life everything comes and goes, except love which is forever.)2. Donde hay amor, no hay temor. (Where there is love, there is no fear.)3. El amor todo lo puede. (Love can do anything.)4. En el amor y en la guerra, todo s

Pakistan sayings

1. Jaan hai to Jahan hai - If there is life, then there is the world.2. Unity, Faith, Discipline - The motto of Pakistan.3. Pakistan Zindabad - Long live Pakistan.4. Dil Dil Pakistan - A popular patriotic song expressing love for Pakistan.5. Allah Hafiz - Goodbye, with the blessing of Alla

Old english goodbye sayings

1. Fare thee well2. God be with thee3. Farewell, sweet friend4. Mayhap we shall meet again5. Godspeed6. Be thou well7. Parting is such sweet sorrow8. Until we meet again9. Adieu, fair one10. Take care, good sir/madam