Butterfly tattoo sayings

1. "Spread your wings and fly"

2. "Embrace your transformation"

3. "Beauty in every stage"

4. "Free spirit"

5. "Find your inner strength"

6. "Graceful and resilient"

7. "Life is a journey, not a destination"

8. "Emerge from the darkness"

9. "Delicate yet powerful"

10. "Be the change you wish to see"

Above is Butterfly tattoo sayings.

Cute sayings about drawing

1. Drawing is like dancing with a pencil. 2. Every stroke of the pencil tells a story. 3. Drawing is the language of the soul. 4. In a world full of words, sometimes a drawing speaks louder. 5. Drawing is a way to capture the beauty of the world. 6. A drawing is a glimpse into the artist'

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1. Stay hydrated, stay healthy.2. Water is the best drink for your body.3. Hydrate or die-drate.4. Drink water like it's your job.5. Hydration is the key to a happy body.6. Water is the elixir of life.7. Don't forget to hydrate, it's the best form of self-care.8. Water: the original e

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Conservative greek sayings

1. Ο νους στον παλιόν αλλά η καρδιά στον καινούριον. (The mind in the old, but the heart in the new.)2. Ο καιρός δεν περιμένει. (Time waits for no one.)3. Οι λόγοι περισσεύουν, η σιωπή λέει περισσότερα. (Words abound, silence speaks more.)4. Όποιος έχει μάτια, ας βλέπει. (Whoever has eyes, l

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1. Under the spreading chestnut tree, I sold you and you sold me. - George Orwell2. The chestnut tree is a symbol of strength and endurance, standing tall through all seasons. 3. From little acorns mighty oaks do grow, and from humble chestnuts, majestic trees rise. 4. The chestnut tree's bea

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1. The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.2. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.3. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imaginati

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1. All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. - Walt Disney2. The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it. - Rafiki, The Lion King3. Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. - Lilo & Stitch4. Just

Aussie sayings about love

1. She's my sheila, my true blue love.2. I'm head over heels for her, mate.3. He's my dinki-di love, no doubt about it.4. We're as happy as a kangaroo in a field of eucalyptus trees.5. She's the one that makes my heart sing like a kookaburra at dawn.6. Our love is as strong as a croc's ja

Love sayings for him pinterest

1. You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars. - E.E. Cummings2. I never knew what love was until I met you. 3. You are the best thing that's ever been mine. 4. I love you more than words can express. 5. You are my heart, my soul, my everything. 6. I fall in love with you every single d

Sayings around parties

1. Life is a party, so enjoy every moment.2. Dance like nobody's watching.3. Party like there's no tomorrow.4. Good times and crazy friends make the best memories.5. Let's get this party started!6. Eat, drink, and be merry.7. In the rhythm of the night, we dance.8. The more the merrie