Cajun french t shirt sayings

1. "Laissez les bons temps rouler" (Let the good times roll)

2. "Ça c'est bon, ça!" (That's good, that!)

3. "Fais do-do" (Go to sleep)

4. "Cher bébé" (Dear baby)

5. "Joie de vivre" (Joy of living)

6. "Fais pas ci, fais pas ça" (Don't do this, don't do that)

7. "C'est la vie" (That's life)

8. "Ça va bien aller" (It's going to be okay)

9. "Lagniappe" (Something extra)

10. "Cherchez la femme" (Look for the woman)

Above is Cajun french t shirt sayings.

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