Calculus valentine sayings

1. "You're the derivative of my love, always changing but always there."

2. "You're the integral to my heart, completing me in every way."

3. "My love for you is like a limit approaching infinity, it knows no bounds."

4. "You're the tangent to my curves, always touching my heart in just the right way."

5. "I want to be the area under your curve, always surrounding you with my love."

6. "You're the global maximum of my happiness, the peak of my love for you."

7. "Our love is like a continuous function, always growing and never-ending."

8. "You're the critical point in my life, the turning point that led me to you."

9. "Just like a concave up function, my love for you only goes up and up."

10. "You're the constant in my equation, the one thing that remains no matter what."

Above is Calculus valentine sayings.

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Adrian mole sayings

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