Call of duty online sayings

1. "Enemy down!"

2. "Reloading!"

3. "Cover me, I'm moving!"

4. "Grenade out!"

5. "I need backup!"

6. "Watch your six!"

7. "Hostile spotted!"

8. "Tango down!"

9. "I'm hit, need a medic!"

10. "Objective secured!"

Above is Call of duty online sayings.

Famous australian sayings for enjoy

1. She'll be right, mate.2. No worries, mate.3. Fair dinkum!4. Good on ya!5. Strewth!6. Have a ripper day!7. Cheers, mate!8. Put another shrimp on the barbie.9. You beauty!10. Too easy!

Machine embroidery apron sayings

1. Queen of the Kitchen2. Cooking is my superpower3. Life is too short for boring aprons4. Baking with love5. Kitchen goddess6. Sizzle and spice7. Whisk me away8. Chop it like it's hot9. Eat, drink, and be merry10. Made with love and flour

Sayings with unrestricted empirical

1. Seeing is believing.2. The proof is in the pudding.3. Actions speak louder than words.4. The truth will always come to light.5. You can't argue with facts.6. Evidence speaks for itself.7. Trust but verify.8. In God we trust, all others bring data.9. Numbers don't lie.10. Observ

Other sayings for hand in hand

1. Side by side2. Arm in arm3. Together4. Shoulder to shoulder5. Walking together6. In unity7. In partnership8. In collaboration9. In tandem10. Hand in glove

Portuguese sayings about love

1. O amor é cego. (Love is blind.)2. Quem ama perdoa. (Those who love forgive.)3. O amor tudo vence. (Love conquers all.)4. Amor de mãe não se explica, apenas se sente. (A mother's love cannot be explained, only felt.)5. Onde há amor, há vida. (Where there is love, there is life.)6. O amo

More humid than sayings

More humid than a sauna

Rock n roll sayings

1. Rock on!2. Turn it up to 11!3. Let's rock the house!4. Born to rock, forced to work.5. Rock 'n' roll all night, party every day.6. Rock out with your socks out.7. Keep calm and rock on.8. Rock and roll ain't noise pollution.9. Live fast, die young, and leave a good-looking corpse

Religious thank you sayings

1. Thank you, God, for your countless blessings and guidance in my life.2. I am grateful for the love and grace you have shown me, Lord.3. Thank you, Jesus, for your sacrifice and redemption.4. I am thankful for the strength and peace that comes from my faith in you, God.5. Blessed be your

Sappy mom sayings

1. I love you to the moon and back.2. You'll always be my baby.3. I'm so proud of the person you've become.4. You are my sunshine on a cloudy day.5. I'll always be here for you, no matter what.6. You are the best thing that ever happened to me.7. I'll love you forever and always.8. Yo

Funny redundant sayings

1. It's as clear as mud.2. I'm going to pre-plan.3. I'll see you later, alligator.4. It's a small little thing.5. I'm going to repeat it again.6. I'm going to go outside outdoors.7. It's a free gift.8. I'm going to write it down on paper.9. It's a true fact.10. I'm going to shout