Camila cabello sayings

1. "Love only yourself a little bit longer, until you can't stand not to love someone else."

2. "The best revenge is massive success."

3. "You have to be strong and fearless to know you can be anything you want to be."

4. "The best way to be loved is to love yourself."

5. "I think that it's so important to love yourself."

6. "I think that the most important thing is to be in love with what you do."

7. "You have to be fearless to have success."

8. "You have to be happy with who you are and the choices you make."

9. "I think it's important to be happy with who you are and not compare yourself to others."

10. "You have to be strong and fearless to know you can be anything you want to be."

Above is Camila cabello sayings.

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