Camron sayings

1. "I'm not a businessman, I'm a business, man."

2. "You can't be serious, man, you can't be serious."

3. "I'm from where the hammer's rung, news cameras never come."

4. "I'm the type to swallow my blood before I swallow my pride."

5. "I'm a gangsta, I'm a hustler, I'm a gangsta, I'm a hustler."

6. "I'm like the dog catcher, way I get them bitches."

7. "I'm the reason they made the dress code."

8. "I'm the best, I'm the bomb, I'm the man, I'm the don."

9. "I'm the reason they can't keep her man at home."

10. "I'm the reason they broke up, I'm the reason they woke up."

Above is Camron sayings.

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