Canadian influences sayings

Here are some Canadian-influenced sayings and expressions:

1. "Eh?" - A common Canadian interjection used to seek agreement or confirmation.

2. "Double-double" - Refers to a coffee with two creams and two sugars, a popular order at Tim Hortons, a Canadian coffee chain.

3. "Sorry, eh" - Reflects the Canadian stereotype of being polite and apologizing frequently.

4. "Toque" - A knitted winter hat, commonly worn in Canada to keep warm.

5. "Poutine brain" - A playful term used to describe feeling sluggish or slow after eating a heavy meal of poutine, a Canadian dish made of fries, cheese curds, and gravy.

6. "Canuck" - A slang term for a Canadian person.

7. "Hoser" - A derogatory term used to describe someone who is foolish or incompetent, popularized by the Canadian comedy show "SCTV."

8. "Going for a rip" - Refers to going for a drive or a ride, often in a recreational vehicle like a snowmobile or ATV.

9. "Mountie" - Refers to a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, a symbol of Canadian law enforcement and national identity.

10. "True North strong and free" - A line from the Canadian national anthem, emphasizing Canada's strength and freedom.

Above is Canadian influences sayings.

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