Canadian license plates sayings

In Canada, license plates can have a variety of sayings or slogans depending on the province or territory. Here are some examples:

1. British Columbia: "Beautiful British Columbia"

2. Alberta: "Wild Rose Country"

3. Saskatchewan: "Land of Living Skies"

4. Manitoba: "Friendly Manitoba"

5. Ontario: "Yours to Discover"

6. Quebec: "Je me souviens" (I remember)

7. New Brunswick: "Be... in this place"

8. Nova Scotia: "Canada's Ocean Playground"

9. Prince Edward Island: "Garden of the Gulf"

10. Newfoundland and Labrador: "The Rock"

These are just a few examples, and each province or territory may have different slogans or sayings on their license plates.

Above is Canadian license plates sayings.

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1. Sometimes the people closest to you end up hurting you the most. 2. It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember. 3. Friendship is like a glass ornament, once it's broken it can rarely be put back together exactly the same way. 4. The worst kind of pain is when you're smili

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1. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.2. Let go and let God.3. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.4. God never gives us more than we can handle.5. Pray without ceasing.6. God works in mysterious ways.7. The Lord is my shepher

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1. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - Aristotle2. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller3. Love is not finding someone to live with, it's finding someone you can't live without. -

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1. A guy and a girl can be just friends, but at one point or another, they will fall for each other... maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever.2. A guy and a girl can be best friends, but there will always be that one moment where they realize they are meant t

Sayings of salim chishti

1. Do not be afraid to walk alone, for the path to greatness is often a solitary one.2. In the silence of the heart, God speaks.3. Let your actions speak louder than your words, for true wisdom lies in deeds, not in empty promises.4. The greatest strength lies in the ability to remain calm in

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1. We're adding a little extra sunshine to our beach days! Baby on board!2. Surf's up! Baby [Last Name] coming soon!3. Building sandcastles and dreams for three! Baby [Last Name] arriving [Due Date]!4. Our family is growing by two feet! Baby [Last Name] making waves this [Season]!5. Life's

Pga tour famous sayings

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Cute sayings captions

1. Love is a four-legged word.2. Pawsitively adorable.3. You are my sunshine on a cloudy day.4. Life is better with furry friends.5. You had me at meow.6. Happiness is a warm puppy.7. Love is a tail that never stops wagging.8. Fur-ever in love.9. My heart purrs for you.10. Life is

Headstone sayings for dogs

1. Forever in our hearts, loyal companion.2. Run free in the fields of heaven, beloved friend.3. Gone but never forgotten, a paw print on our hearts.4. In loving memory of our faithful fur baby.5. You brought joy and love into our lives, now rest in peace.6. A true friend and loyal compan

Sayings about cutting

1. Cutting out the negative brings in the positive.2. Sometimes you have to cut ties to find peace.3. Cutting through the noise to find clarity.4. Cutting through the obstacles to reach your goals.5. Cutting out distractions to focus on what truly matters.6. Cutting away the old to make r