Cancer sayings for sister

1. "Sisters are like stars, you may not always see them but you know they are always there."

2. "Together we fight, together we win. Cancer may be tough, but our sisterhood is tougher."

3. "Sisters by blood, warriors by choice. We will beat cancer together."

4. "Cancer may have picked the wrong sisters to mess with. We are strong, we are united, we are unstoppable."

5. "In the darkest of times, sisters shine the brightest. Let's light up the path to victory over cancer."

6. "Sisters: two hearts that beat as one, fighting against cancer with love and strength."

7. "Through thick and thin, through sickness and health, we stand by each other. Cancer is just another battle we will conquer together."

8. "Sisters are the ultimate support system, especially when facing cancer. We will face it head-on, together."

9. "Cancer may have brought us tears, but together we will turn them into triumph. Sisters forever, cancer never."

10. "Sisters are the anchors that keep us grounded in the storm of cancer. Together, we will weather this storm and emerge stronger."

Above is Cancer sayings for sister.

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