Candy sayings teddy grams

1. "You're beary sweet!"

2. "Sending you a bear hug!"

3. "You're un-bear-ably cute!"

4. "Beary special to me."

5. "You're the beary best!"

6. "Bear-y happy to know you!"

7. "You're my teddy-licious friend!"

8. "You're the teddy to my grams!"

9. "Sending you teddy-grams of love!"

10. "You're my favorite teddy bear!"

Above is Candy sayings teddy grams.

Bow tie sayings

1. Tie it up with a bow!2. Looking sharp in a bow tie.3. Bow ties are cool.4. Bow ties make everything better.5. Bow ties are the cherry on top.6. Bow ties are the ultimate accessory.7. Bow ties are for the classy and stylish.8. Real men wear bow ties.9. Bow ties are a statement of

Villain sayings

1. I will crush anyone who stands in my way.2. Fear me, for I am the darkness that will consume you.3. Power is everything, and I will stop at nothing to obtain it.4. There is no room for mercy in my world, only domination.5. I am the master of chaos, and I will revel in your destruction.6

Teacher gift sayings

1. Thank you for helping me grow.2. Teachers plant seeds of knowledge that last a lifetime.3. It takes a big heart to shape little minds.4. Teaching is a work of heart.5. You make a difference every day.6. Thank you for being an inspiring teacher.7. Teachers change the world one student

Cannery sayings

1. Putting up a good fight is like canning - it takes time and effort, but the end result is worth it.2. Life is like a can of preserves - it's full of surprises and sweetness.3. Just like canning, sometimes you have to add a little spice to make things interesting.4. In the canning world, pa

Baby pregnancy quotes sayings

1. A baby is a blessing, a gift from heaven above.2. Pregnancy is a journey of love, hope, and anticipation.3. In the womb, a miracle is growing, a precious life that is worth knowing.4. Pregnancy is the ultimate act of love, creating a new life to cherish and hold.5. The moment a child is

Black and white svg corgi sayings

Here are a few black and white SVG corgi sayings that you can use for your project:1. Corgi Love2. Corgi Mama3. Corgi Life4. Corgi Crew5. Corgi Cutie6. Corgi Squad7. Corgi Nation8. Corgi Power9. Corgi Obsessed10. Corgi VibesFeel free to use these sayings in your SVG design!

Cute cabin sayings

1. Life is better at the cabin.2. Cabin sweet cabin.3. Cabin life is the best life.4. The mountains are calling and I must go.5. Cabin vibes only.6. Adventure awaits at the cabin.7. Cabin fever: the good kind.8. Escape to the woods.9. Cozy cabin, happy heart.10. In the forest, we

Mark wahlberg quotes and sayings

1. I've always been competitive and driven. I was raised to believe that you can achieve anything you put your mind to.2. I've always been a fighter. If you tell me I can't, I'll die trying to prove you wrong.3. Success is not something you can achieve overnight. It takes hard work, dedication,

Sayings about having kids

1. Having a child is like having your heart walk around outside your body.2. Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life.3. A baby is born with a need to be loved, and never outgrows it.4. The most precious jewels you'll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children.5. Ha

Warcraft peon sayings

1. Me not that kind of orc!2. Work, work.3. Ready to work.4. Something need doing?5. Me busy, leave me alone!6. Stop poking me!7. What you want?8. We're complete!9. Me not that kind of orc!10. Job's done!