Cantonese chinese new year sayings

1. 恭喜發財 (gung hei faat choi) - Wishing you prosperity

2. 萬事如意 (maan si yu yi) - May all your wishes come true

3. 心想事成 (sam seung si sing) - May all your wishes be fulfilled

4. 身體健康 (san tai gin hong) - Wishing you good health

5. 步步高升 (bo bo go sing) - May you rise step by step

6. 生意興隆 (sang yi hing lung) - May your business prosper

7. 和氣生財 (wo hei sang choi) - Harmony brings wealth

8. 財源廣進 (choi yun gwong jeun) - May wealth come pouring in

9. 龍馬精神 (lung ma jing san) - May you have the vitality of a dragon and horse

10. 鴻運當頭 (hung wan dong tau) - May good luck be upon you

Above is Cantonese chinese new year sayings.

Sarcastic sayings about inlaws

1. Having in-laws is like having a second family you never asked for.2. In-laws: because who doesn't love having more people to criticize your life choices?3. The best thing about in-laws is that they make you appreciate your own family more.4. In-laws: the gift that keeps on giving... unsoli

Singaporean sayings

1. Bo jio - means you didn't invite me or you didn't tell me2. Kiasu - refers to the fear of missing out or being overly competitive3. Lah - a common filler word used at the end of sentences for emphasis4. Steady lah - means well done or good job5. Can lah - means okay or it's p

Firewood sayings

1. As the firewood is consumed by the flames, so are our troubles consumed by time.2. A good firewood warms you twice - once when you chop it and once when you burn it.3. Like firewood, friendships need to be nurtured and tended to stay strong.4. In the coldest winter, even the smallest piece

Sayings about chaos

1. Chaos is a ladder. - Game of Thrones2. In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity. - Sun Tzu3. Chaos is a friend of mine. - Bob Dylan4. Chaos was the law of nature; order was the dream of man. - Henry Adams5. Chaos is a name for any order that produces confusion in our minds. - Ge

Rainy wedding day sayings

1. Rain on your wedding day is a sign of good luck and blessings.2. A rainy wedding day is nature's way of cleansing and purifying your love.3. The rain may fall, but our love will shine brighter.4. A little rain can't dampen the love and joy on this special day.5. Raindrops are like confet

Baseball sayings all about that base

1. It all starts at the base.2. Keep your eye on the base.3. Strong base, strong game.4. The base is your foundation.5. Don't forget where you came from, always go back to base.6. A solid base leads to success.7. Protect the base at all costs.8. Build your game from the base up.9. T

Sayings cat

Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.

Funny constipation sayings

1. I'm so backed up, I could build a dam.2. Constipation: when your body says 'nope' to the poop.3. I'm not constipated, I'm just saving up for a rainy day.4. Constipation: the struggle is real, but the outcome is uncertain.5. I'm so constipated, I'm starting to feel like a human cork.6.

Sayings about mass media

1. The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent. - Malcolm X2. The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. - Ma

Bottle sayings

1. Stay hydrated, stay happy.2. Sip happens, just wine about it.3. You're the glass half full kind of person.4. Water you waiting for? Drink up!5. Life is like a bottle of wine, it gets better with age.6. You're one in a melon.7. Just keep sipping, just keep sipping.8. H2-whoa, that's