Cantonese sayings about life

1. 人生如夢 (yan4 sang1 yu4 mung6) - Life is like a dream.

2. 萬事開頭難 (maan6 si6 hoi1 tau4 naan4) - All things are difficult before they are easy.

3. 世事無常 (sai3 si6 mou4 seung4) - The world is unpredictable.

4. 人生有幾多個十年 (yan4 sang1 jau5 gei2 do1 go3 sap6 nin4) - How many decades does one have in life?

5. 一生只有一次 (jat1 sang1 zi2 jau5 jat1 ci3) - You only live once.

6. 世事難料 (sai3 si6 naan4 liu6) - Life is unpredictable.

7. 人生如戲 (yan4 sang1 yu4 hei3) - Life is like a drama.

8. 人生如棋 (yan4 sang1 yu4 kei4) - Life is like a game of chess.

9. 世事難免 (sai3 si6 naan4 min5) - Difficulties are inevitable in life.

10. 人生苦短 (yan4 sang1 fu2 dyun2) - Life is short and bitter.

Above is Cantonese sayings about life.

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