Carmen miranda quotes and sayings

1. "I say money can't buy happiness, but it can buy you a lot of shoes!"

2. "I refuse to be a common man. I am a dancer, I am a singer, I am a performer. I am a star!"

3. "I make a point of staying positive, appreciating the simple things in life, and making the most of every moment."

4. "I never really thought about success. I always think about doing things that I love and believe in."

5. "I don't dress for anyone but me. I dress to feel good about myself, and that's all that matters."

6. "I may not be the best dancer or singer, but I give it my all and that's what matters."

7. "Life is a carnival, and I intend to enjoy every ride."

8. "I don't try to be sexy, but I do want to look as good as I can."

9. "I believe in the power of music and dance to bring joy and happiness to people's lives."

10. "I am who I am, and I'm proud of it. I won't change for anyone."

Above is Carmen miranda quotes and sayings.

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