Carrying burden sayings

1. "Don't carry your mistakes around with you. Instead, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones to rise above them." - Unknown

2. "The heaviest burden is an unfulfilled potential." - Charles Schulz

3. "You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. Just take it one day at a time." - Unknown

4. "The only way to lighten your burden is to put down what you no longer need to carry." - Unknown

5. "The heaviest thing you can carry is a grudge." - Unknown

6. "Don't let the past hold you back. You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one." - Unknown

7. "Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength." - Corrie Ten Boom

8. "The moment you feel like you have to prove your worth to someone is the moment to absolutely and utterly walk away." - Alysia Harris

9. "Let go of the past, let go of the future, let go of the present, and cross over to the farther shore of existence. With mind wholly liberated, you shall come no more to birth and death." - Buddha

10. "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors, and fight battles that nobody knows about." - Unknown

Above is Carrying burden sayings.

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