Catalan sayings about love
1. "L'amor és com una flor, cal cuidar-la perquè floreixi." (Love is like a flower, it needs to be cared for in order to bloom.)
2. "Qui vol estimar, ha de saber patir." (Those who want to love must be willing to suffer.)
3. "L'amor no és mirar-se l'un a l'altre, sinó mirar junts en la mateixa direcció." (Love is not looking at each other, but looking together in the same direction.)
4. "L'amor és com un vi vell, millora amb el temps." (Love is like old wine, it gets better with time.)
5. "L'amor és com una ombra, et segueix allà on vagis." (Love is like a shadow, it follows you wherever you go.)
6. "L'amor és com un pont, uneix dos cors distants." (Love is like a bridge, it connects two distant hearts.)
7. "L'amor és com una flama, pot cremar però també il·luminar." (Love is like a flame, it can burn but also illuminate.)
8. "L'amor és com una melodia, ressona en els cors enamorats." (Love is like a melody, it resonates in the hearts of the lovers.)
9. "L'amor és com un jardí, cal regar-lo perquè floreixi." (Love is like a garden, it needs to be watered in order to bloom.)
10. "L'amor és com un tresor, cal buscar-lo per trobar-lo." (Love is like a treasure, you have to search for it to find it.)
Above is Catalan sayings about love.