Catchy electrical sayings

1. "Resistance is futile."

2. "Watt's up?"

3. "Stay positive, stay connected."

4. "Ohm my goodness!"

5. "Don't be shocked by the power of electricity."

6. "Live wire, live life."

7. "Circuit your way to success."

8. "Amp up your energy."

9. "Spark up your day."

10. "Switch on your potential."

Above is Catchy electrical sayings.

Speak out game sayings

1. I spy with my little eye...2. Simon says...3. Truth or dare?4. Never have I ever...5. Two truths and a lie...6. Charades!7. Would you rather...8. 20 Questions9. Guess the word10. Categories

Plusnet sayings

1. We're all about the plus in Plusnet!2. Bringing you more for less with Plusnet.3. Connecting you to a world of possibilities with Plusnet.4. Where value meets reliability - that's Plusnet.5. Join the Plusnet family and experience the difference.6. Making your internet experience better

Sayings to put on a graphic tee

1. Stay wild, moon child2. Good vibes only3. Adventure awaits4. Be a voice, not an echo5. Radiate positivity6. Choose kindness7. Dream big, sparkle more, shine bright8. Find joy in the journey9. Empowered women empower women10. Not all who wander are lost

Funny garbage can sayings

1. I'm trash-talking all day, every day.2. I'm the real MVP of the kitchen.3. Trashy but classy.4. I'm the ultimate dumpster diver.5. Trashin' and smashin'.6. I may be garbage, but at least I'm not recycling.7. Just hanging out with all my trashy friends.8. Trash talkin' and trash wal

Sayings about spreading the word

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Sad sayings about love which makes you cry

1. Love is a beautiful tragedy that breaks your heart and leaves you shattered.2. Sometimes love is like a storm that destroys everything in its path, leaving only ruins behind.3. Love is a cruel game where the stakes are high and the consequences are devastating.4. The saddest thing about lo

Dark funny sayings

1. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.2. I'm not lazy, I'm just in energy-saving mode.3. I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.4. I'm not a control freak, but can I show you the right way to do that?5. I'm not a morning person, I'm a not-a-morning-person person.6

Gorgeous sayings quotes

1. Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. - Kahlil Gibran2. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller3. You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful. - Amy

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Funny friends birthdayv sayings

1. Happy birthday! Remember, you're not getting older, you're just increasing in value like a fine wine.2. Another year older, but still as immature as ever. Cheers to that!3. You're not old, you're just a classic!4. Age is just a number, but in your case, it's a really big number. Happy birt