Caterpillar engine sayings

1. "Built like a Caterpillar, tough as nails."

2. "Purring like a Caterpillar engine."

3. "Caterpillar power, unmatched strength."

4. "Trust in the roar of a Caterpillar engine."

5. "When the going gets tough, the tough get a Caterpillar engine."

6. "Caterpillar: the heartbeat of heavy machinery."

7. "In Caterpillar we trust, for power and reliability."

8. "Rumble of a Caterpillar engine, music to my ears."

9. "Caterpillar engines: where power meets precision."

10. "From the ground up, Caterpillar engines stand tall."

Above is Caterpillar engine sayings.

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