Chance and fortune sayings

1. "Fortune favors the bold."

2. "Chance favors the prepared mind."

3. "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity."

4. "In the game of life, luck is a player too."

5. "Fate leads the willing, and drags along the reluctant."

6. "Some people are born lucky, others create their own luck."

7. "You never know what the future holds, so always be prepared for the unexpected."

8. "Fortune can change in an instant, so always be grateful for what you have."

9. "Sometimes the best opportunities come from unexpected places."

10. "Life is a series of chance encounters and fortunate events."

Above is Chance and fortune sayings.

Libran sayings

1. Balance is key in all things.2. Harmony and peace are the Libran way.3. Seek beauty in all aspects of life.4. Fairness and justice should guide your actions.5. Diplomacy and tact can solve many conflicts.6. Embrace your inner artist and create beauty.7. Relationships are important, n

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