Chastity flr sayings

1. "Submission is not weakness, it is strength in its purest form."

2. "A true submissive knows that their worth is found in their service and devotion."

3. "In the surrender of control, one finds true freedom."

4. "A chaste heart is a pure heart, devoted to serving and pleasing."

5. "The key to unlocking true intimacy lies in the chastity of the heart."

6. "True power is found in the ability to submit willingly and completely."

7. "Chastity is not just about physical restraint, but also about emotional purity and devotion."

8. "In the quiet surrender of chastity, one finds the deepest connection."

9. "A chaste submissive is a treasure to be cherished and protected."

10. "True fulfillment is found in the selfless service of a chaste heart."

Above is Chastity flr sayings.

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Don't poo on my sayings

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