Chaucerian insults and sayings

1. "Thou art a base and lowly knave, fit only to scrub the chamber pots of a swineherd."

2. "Thy wit is as feeble as a newborn lamb, and thy tongue as sharp as a butter knife."

3. "Thou art a witless fool, a mere shadow of a man, with the intellect of a dung beetle."

4. "Thy presence doth sour the air, like a rotten egg in a basket of fresh roses."

5. "Thou art a craven cur, a cowardly wretch who would flee at the sight of a mouse."

6. "Thy face doth resemble a toad, and thy manners are as foul as a pigsty."

7. "Thou art a pitiful excuse for a man, a sorry specimen of humanity fit only for the gallows."

8. "Thy words are as empty as a beggar's purse, and thy deeds as worthless as a broken pot."

9. "Thou art a knave and a scoundrel, a miscreant who would sell his own mother for a farthing."

10. "Thy heart is as black as coal, and thy soul as twisted as a serpent's coil."

Above is Chaucerian insults and sayings.

Sayings about stereotyping

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Old nautical sayings and idioms

1. A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.2. Batten down the hatches.3. Between the devil and the deep blue sea.4. By and large.5. Don't rock the boat.6. Feeling under the weather.7. High and dry.8. In the same boat.9. Know the ropes.10. Loose cannon.11. On a wild goose chase.

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1. Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. - Calvin Coolidge2. Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. - Norman Vincent Peale3. Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection. - Winston Churchill4. Ch

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Wis sayings at christmas time

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Seize the day quotes sayings

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