Cherry on top similar sayings

Some similar sayings to "cherry on top" include:

1. Icing on the cake

2. Cream of the crop

3. Creme de la creme

4. Jewel in the crown

5. Finishing touch

6. Final flourish

7. Piece de resistance

8. Highlight of the day

9. Crowning glory

10. Perfect ending

Above is Cherry on top similar sayings.

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1. Two peas in a pod, double the fun!2. Double trouble, double the love.3. Twinning is winning!4. Together we're unstoppable.5. Twice the giggles, twice the grins.6. We may be two, but we act as one.7. Double the mischief, double the charm.8. Born together, best friends forever.9. T

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1. You are my heart, my soul, my treasure, my today, my tomorrow, my forever. I love you.2. In your arms, I have found my home. In your eyes, I have found my paradise. I love you more than words can express.3. You are the sunshine that brightens my day, the moonlight that guides me through the

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Candy bar sayings for students

1. You're a smart cookie!2. You're a real treat to have in class!3. You're on a roll with your studies!4. You're a shining star in the classroom!5. You're a sweet success in all you do!6. You're a real gem of a student!7. You're a true delight to teach!8. You're a bright spark in our