Chess pawn sayings

1. "A pawn is the soul of chess." - François-André Danican Philidor

2. "Pawns are the soul of chess." - Siegbert Tarrasch

3. "Pawns are the foot soldiers of chess." - Philidor

4. "Pawns are the heart of the game." - Wilhelm Steinitz

5. "Pawns are the lifeblood of chess." - David Bronstein

6. "Pawns are the foundation of the chess game." - Aron Nimzowitsch

7. "Pawns are the power of the chessboard." - Howard Staunton

8. "Pawns are the backbone of chess strategy." - Savielly Tartakower

9. "Pawns are the foundation of victory." - Mikhail Botvinnik

10. "Pawns are the foundation of chess warfare." - Emanuel Lasker

Above is Chess pawn sayings.

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