Chevy chase sayings

1. "I'm Chevy Chase, and you're not."

2. "I'm a comedian, and I want to make people laugh."

3. "I'm not a comedian. I'm an actor who just happens to be funny on occasion."

4. "I'm a funny guy, but I'm not a comedian. I'm an actor who can be funny."

5. "I'm not a comedian, I'm a comic actor. There's a big difference."

6. "I'm not a comedian, I'm an entertainer. I like to make people laugh, but I also like to make them think."

7. "I'm not a comedian, I'm a performer. I like to entertain people and make them happy."

8. "I'm not a comedian, I'm a storyteller. I like to tell funny stories and make people laugh."

9. "I'm not a comedian, I'm a humorist. I like to find the humor in everyday life and share it with others."

10. "I'm not a comedian, I'm just a guy who likes to have fun and make people smile."

Above is Chevy chase sayings.

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